Dr. Raven is nationally board-certified and licensed to practice acupuncture in North Carolina and South Carolina. Her specialties include women's health issues and healthy pregnancy. She is trained as a general practitioner and has treated thousands of patients for a wide variety of conditions including stress/anxiety/depression, insomnia, migraine headaches, digestive disorders, auto-immune disease, thyroid dysfunction, EENT issues and allergies.
For babies and kids, Dr. Raven has developed AcuPoint Therapy ™ a gentle, needle-free method of treatment. It is also suitable for anyone who is afraid of needles, as well as seniors and elders who are needle sensitive.
She has been a healthcare practitioner and yoga educator for the past 25 years. Before relocating to North Carolina in 2018, she was the owner and director of the Boston Wellness Center in Boston, MA for 15 years.
A majority of her clinical acupuncture training was completed at Boston Medical Center in the Pediatric Pain Clinic, the PICU and NICU, and Family Medicine. As a pre-Medical student, she completed two clinical research internships at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia under the General Surgeon. Her research contributed of the hospital's creation and opening of their Level One Trauma Center.
With additional professional certifications and training in yoga therapy, Ayurvedic medicine, Kripalu yoga, western herbal medicine, and Reiki (master level), she is able to offer each patient a "holistic" and complete treatment plan.
As an author, Dr. Raven has helped many others recover their spinal health through her book: Back to Balance: Heal Your Spine, Heal Your Life in 2013 (first edition, 2008).