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ADDENDUM as of April 6, 2020

Wow! What a wild ride it's been these last few weeks on a local, national and global scale! COVID-19 is making and leaving its mark -- it is a HUGE karmic wake-up call for us all! It is not comfortable, but is shifting us in ways that we could never have imagined or planned. Remember, out of the MUD, the beautiful LOTUS FLOWER emerges! 

There is no better time than this to work with "The Art of Letting Go." We are having to let go of a great deal, all at once, whether we like it or not!!

I am posting supportive videos on Facebook and holding weekly online yoga classes (Gentle and Yoga Nidra) until further notice. Please check my Events & Classes page for more info.

Please stay safe and well -- it is time for you to "come home." And to me, that means "going inside" and using all of my yoga, breathing, movement and meditation tools to do so. And sharing this journey with you all...

February 29, 2020

Every day, we have challenges and opportunities that arise. Or rather, situations can appear as challenges or opportunities and we have the choice of how to view them, and how they will impact our lives. 

What flips a challenge into an opportunity? The choice to let go... of whatever you are holding on to: fear, grief or anger from the past; expectations; of limiting beliefs and judgments about ourselves and others; the need to control everyone or everything. In that moment when we make the choice to let go, the process of healing begins... healing from the inside out. 

How do we "let go?' The good news is that there are many ways, many tools that one can use to start this process. It begins with a willingness to look at something differently. That willingness can start with a deep breath or a new, expansive thought, or perhaps taking a walk outside and looking at a tree or a vista in a new and different way. A fresh perspective comes when we are willing to shift ourselves first, instead of expecting others and the world to change for us.

This is energetic healing in the true sense of the word -- when we let go of toxic thoughts and behaviors, this creates a shift in the brain/mind which in turn begins to impact the physical body immediately. In yogic language, we talk about the "koshas", or layers/sheaths of energy. Picture yourself and your koshas as a series of Russian nesting dolls, one fitting inside of the next.

Our physical body is the densest kosha - it solid and is most accessible to our awareness, especially if someone is experiencing pain or discomfort in the body. The energy or prana kosha is the first layer coming out from the physical body which is connected to and accessed by the breath. It is responsible for the flow of life energy (prana) through the body. When we begin to breathe more deeply and deliberately, we start to heal this kosha which in turn contributes to the healing of the physical body which it covers. 

The mind or mental sheath is the next layer, encompassing thoughts and emotions. It is accessed and healed through meditation. The wisdom kosha is next, including knowledge, intuition and perception; this kosha is also healed through meditation.

The final kosha, radiating out from center, is the bliss sheath. This is where one can experience complete bliss, joy, unconditional love, peace and happiness. Many of us catch a glimpse of this kosha after a yoga practice when lying down in savasana. Peaceful, light and whole... The activation of the koshas is directly responsible for triggering the Relaxation Response and taking us out of "fight or flight" mode. 

The simple, courageous act of letting go is what starts this positive ripple effect and allows us to integrate as a whole, healed being. This is how we began our journey in this body and it is absolutely possible to re-discover this total healing and bliss inside of you. 

Come and experience "The Art of Letting Go" with Raven at her next weekend workshop: ON HOLD UNTIL WE ARE PAST THE COVID-19 SITUATION. 

By Dr. Raven Seltzer September 22, 2024
Electrolytes are minerals which carry an electric charge of positive or negative. They are naturally occurring our bodily fluids – blood, sweat and urine. The electrical charges activate when the minerals dissolve in water -- and how convenient that our bodies are made up of 60-70% water. Almost every fluid and every cell in your body contains electrolytes. The ions from the electrolytes not only maintain fluid balance, they also regulate chemical reactions within the body, allowing us to move our muscles, keep the heart beating and our thought process going -- the neurons in the brain firing; sending and receiving messages. These are your electrolytes: Bicarbonate (-) Calcium (+) Chloride (-) Magnesium (+) Phosphate (-) Potassium (+) Sodium (+) Bicarbonate is the only electrolyte that is produced solely within the body. Acupuncture needles are made of stainless steel and, when placed under the skin, they create an electrical reaction within the body. The needles are somewhat like antennae and it follows that this medicine is very beneficial for directing and re-directing that energy WHICH IS ALREADY FLOWING WITHIN. In this way, acupuncture can also aid with keeping internal balance, nourishing where deficient and clearing excess as needed. Some Basic Signs of Electrolyte Imbalance Lethargy/Fatigue Irregular heartbeat Dizziness Mental confusion Nausea Leg cramps (usually at night) Muscle weakness Muscle spasms/twitching Electrolytes can be lost through profuse sweating (especially in the summer heat), as well as through vomiting and diarrhea. And yes, you CAN overhydrate! Too much water intake is called "water intoxication." Chemotherapy, antibiotics and corticosteroids can significantly alter electrolyte balance. Cancer, high blood pressure, kidney disease, liver disease, eating disorders, as well as substance abuse can all cause and/or contribute to electrolyte imbalance. 8 Great Sources of Electrolytes Avocadoes Watermelon Coconut water Bananas Celery Dark leafy greens Yogurt Pedialyte/electrolyte packets Most electrolytes need to be replenished through our food and beverage intake. This is a short list above, but there are many other great foods and beverages that can help. Excess electrolytes are filtered out by the kidneys and end up in our urine. They are the first line of defense when it comes to electrolyte imbalance.
By Raven Seltzer October 24, 2022
The tree is frequently used as a metaphor in our medicine. You come in to see me with symptoms/ complaints -- these are your "branches." And the most visible part of a tree, but just because your branches are painful and sick, weak or broken, doesn't mean they are where the issue started. This is only where it is showing up. Your branches did not become compromised "overnight" -- for instance, with extreme pain or systemic inflammation/auto-immune disorder -- just as with a real tree, it takes years for deep sickness to travel from the root to show up on the surface, but the first sign of real trouble is usually discoloration or spots on the leaves or the branches losing their leaves or becoming brittle. Of course, when it comes to a traumatic accident or injury, or if a woman is pregnant and has symptoms due to her condition, yes, we DO know the root right away, but this approach still comes in handy: sometimes injuries don't heal properly or quickly due to underlying conditions that were present before the incident. And likewise, a woman's pregnancy will definitely be impacted by her overall underlying health before conception. And each pregnancy will also be different. Why is this root and branch approach so important? My job is to use all of the information your give me about your leaves/branches, in addition to looking at your tongue and taking pulses, as well and anything else I observe about you, and find that "root" cause of your symptoms. The more chronic your situation and the more multi-layered it is, the more detective work it takes on my part to find that root, but honestly, that's what makes my work so fascinating and satisfying: No two patients are ever the same -- they may come in with the exact same western diagnosis and symptoms, but I may only use a few overlapping acupuncture points because their underlying conditions and tongue and pulse are completely different. They each have a different root issue, but the branches/surface may look the same. The acupuncture points and combinations are always the same, it's the application of them that changes. Why? Because every human being is entirely unique. And acupuncture and TCM acknowledge and support this -- and as a practitioner, I am trained to go with that flow: to take everything I've learned over the years and apply it to each individual patient as appropriate and necessary. This is in stark contrast to western medicine which takes a "one size fits all" approach to health and focuses on managing symptoms through medications. ******** When it comes to understanding treatment strategy, the tree metaphor is also extremely helpful. For instance, pain is a "branch". I do treat this branch first in order to help bring relief, but at the same time, I am also searching for and treating the underlying root. As the pain diminishes over time, it will no longer be taking "center stage" and other branches will then "rise up" and become more prominent and then can be addressed. Your branches all give me clues as to the root treatment that's needed and whether we are on the right track or we need a detour. And as healing proceeds, other root causes may also be discovered. Sometimes people get excited with immediate results and I am always quite happy for these patients, but I still say "keep going with your treatment plan, don't stop now." Most of you do, but sometimes patients do stop too soon and they back-slide and are left with the impression that "it didn't work," but they actually don't know for sure. If you don't follow the plan or try to mix in different therapies and supplements, it can muddy the waters and make it very difficult to decipher what is actually working and what isn't. On the flip side, some people get impatient and stop after 2 or 3 treatments because they don't feel anything is happening yet -- there have been no "earth-shattering" results. Don't be fooled by this -- you may just be a slow-starter, especially if you are on a laundry list of western medications or have a history of serious illness such as cancer. And it is simply not realistic to expect that a 15 or 20-year chronic condition is going to be eradicated in 1 or even 3 months. Actually, if any health care practitioner promises you some "miracle" like this, please run the other way! Healing is rarely, if ever, a linear, straightforward process. You need to bring your trust, patience and determination to the table, especially when dealing with serious or long-term, chronic illness. And even when you think "nothing" is happening inside of you, remember what a wise teacher once observed: “When you dig a well, there's no sign of water until you reach it; only rocks and dirt to move out of the way. When you have removed enough of the debris, the pure water will flow.” Ultimately, the body has the power to heal itself and acupuncture creates a supportive inner environment to encourage and facilitate this process. Besides being cumulative, it is also curative, meaning that it does not simply manage or suppress symptoms as synthetic drugs do, but it actually heals and cures the body-mind at a deep level. With consistent, regular treatments, we heal your roots and your branches. As always, I am honored to help you clear the debris and get to the root of what's blocking you from flowing in your life and health through the wisdom and knowledge of this ancient medicine.
By Raven Seltzer May 10, 2022
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By Raven Seltzer May 10, 2022
Here’s a short list of easy and practical things you can do and choices you can make for yourself to prevent illness during any seasonal change. We tend to be most susceptible when the weather and elements are fluctuating to the extremes. The body-mind, though very resilient, has a very delicate and fragile balance that needs to be honored and preserved. As we move from the cold/damp of Spring into the warm/damp or hot/dry of Summer, try some of these tips: 1) Stick to warm, cooked foods for your main meals. If you eat greens, steam or cook them. If you want to have a salad, go more for room temperature lettuce and vegetables and dressing. Cold and raw are not so easy to digest – the salads are better in Summer and early Fall. 2) Stick to warm or room temperature beverages. Herbal tea and water are best, but if you must have juice, cut it with half water to reduce the sugar (and the inflammation that follows). Cold creates more phlegm/mucus in the system, which can accumulate and cause blockages. 3) Do your best to keep warm – stay out of drafty areas. 4) Keep your neck and throat wrapped with a warm or a decorative scarf. 5) Keep a sweater and light jacket in your car, just in case you end up in a cold, air conditioned building, or the weather suddenly turns cold and windy. 6) Take your Jade Windscreen herbal formula regularly to boost your immune system and prevent illness (Gan Mao Ling may also be used if you notice more of a difference taking it.) 7 ) Vitamin C and D3 are excellent supplements to add to your daily regimen if you haven’t already. 8) Stress makes everything worse, so practice your breathing and letting go. You just need a few minutes, once or twice a day to sit quietly and meditate by counting the breath. Ask me for more details. 9) Make sure you get to bed at a decent hour and get enough good quality, deep sleep . 10) If you have a family with small children, do your best to keep yourself and them well – wash hands often, ask me about “Children’s Jade Defense ” which is a liquid, sweet tasting version of Jade Windscreen for kids. 11) Come on in for an acupuncture immune boost or two!
By Raven Seltzer April 2, 2021
Coming soon!
By Raven Seltzer April 2, 2021
Use food as medicine -- from Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine -- eat cooling foods to heal inflammation.
By Raven Seltzer June 17, 2020
Do acupuncture needles hurt when inserted?
The Care and Feeding of the Soul
By Raven S. Seltzer September 3, 2019
How does one care for and feed their "soul?" Thoughts, ideas and inspiration for living a more Soul-Full life.
How I Avoided Spinal Fusion Surgery
By Raven S. Seltzer January 9, 2016
My personal experience with healing Spondylolisthesis through yoga therapy.
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